Shareable Clinical Pathways v2.0 now available

Industry group BPM+ Health and OMG Healthcare Domain Task Force have released a second version of the Shareable Clinical Pathways field guide.


We are particularly proud of the BookZurman subject-matter experts who worked on behalf of the Department of Veterans Affairs/Veterans Health Administration to enhance and improve this vital document. VHA leadership has shown foresight and fortitude in being a leader of these healthcare IT consortiums.

The field guide is designed to – at its core – computerize clinical processes using standards-based modeling for what historically had been flow charts. In turn, that allows those processes to be shared across institutions/providers.

More extensive use of standards is one of the critical ways the healthcare IT community will move forward in meaningfully improving and applying interoperability that, in turn, will help improve patient outcomes. BookZurman long has advocated for increased use of standards and we have the stable of experts to prove our commitment.

Members of OMG and the BPM+ Health community, BookZurman is excited to be a part of the dynamic and influential health IT community. Look for us next month at HiMSS20 in Orlando as we participate alongside Perspecta and other partners in the Veteran Care without Boundaries use case in the interoperability showcase. We hope to see you there!